Sampling Of Our Services
It's what We Do For You

Full Scale Custom Building Design
Full Scale Custom Interior Design
Design Consultation
Age-in-place​ strategy
Interior Design
Space Planning​
Site Planning
Zoning Plans
Product & Furniture Specification
Contractor Selection Administration Assistance
Additional A-la-carte services
Age-in-place home assessment
Building Design
Existing Conditions Surveys
Facility, Building, or BOMA Analysis
Code, ADA & Energy Efficiency Analysis
Space & Site Planning
Interior Design Services
Historic Preservation
Master Planning
Integrated Design Management
Project Scheduling
Standards Development
Additional A-la-carte services
Contractor Selection Administration Assistance
Construction Administration - Let us be your advocate
Sub-contractor Coordination
Flip Construction Cost Estimating
"What makes us human, I think, is an ability to ask questions." - Jane Goodall
Why Should I Hire An Architect and/or Interior Designer?
Few people realize how complicated it is to build - that is until they find themselves lost in the maze of design options, building codes, zoning laws, contractors, and so on. No two building projects are exactly alike, so there is no single, clear-cut path to follow.
The architect is the one professional who has the education, training, experience, and vision to guide you through the entire design and construction process, from helping you define what you want to build to helping you get the most for your construction dollar.
How much does your services cost?
Each project is evaluated on how many hours it will take & the square footage of the project. The more complicated the project the more it will cost. Most Residential projects range from $5,000 - $10,000. Existing conditions surveys are done on a time & materials basis.
How Long Does A Project Take?
How long it will take to do a project will depend on the size & availability of our staff. We try our best to complete projects in expected timelines as to not create delays in the construction process.